All that Christ has attained and obtained is to the church!

When we were regenerated, we became members of the Body of Christ – where Christ is the Head and we, the believers in Christ, are the many members of the Body. Just like in a human body, whatever the head does/has/attains unto, it is the same for the body (of the head). If the head […]

the divine history within the human history, God’s economy and purpose

In school we are being taught about the history of our nation & the history of the continent we live in & the history of the world. We daily hear/watch news about the leaders of the countries taking certain decisions, events taking place in different parts of the world, wars, good news or bad news. […]

God is glorified in the church, where His wisdom is made known to His enemy!

God’s original intention in creating man is expressed in Genesis 1:26 “Let Us make man in our image and according to our likeness, and let them have dominion over…” – Image and Dominion. Image: God wants to be expressed, manifested, shown to the entire universe in what the depth of His riches are – He […]