As believers in Christ, we need to live in the divine and mystical realm so that we may enjoy all the riches of what God is and partake of His wonderful organic salvation in Christ. Amen! First of all, we need to see that there is another realm besides the human realm. It is easy […]
Live in the Divine and Mystical Realm to have Salvation, Fellowship and Oneness
Enjoy the Goodness and Sweetness of the Life of Christ and Minister Him to Others

The all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the good land of Canaan is a land flowing with milk and honey; in and with Him we see the redeeming aspect and the generating aspect, and we enjoy the goodness and sweetness of the life of Christ to minister Him to others as milk and honey. […]
In the Divine History we Experience God’s Organic Salvation and Preach the Gospel of Peace

Praise the Lord, as believers in Christ we were born again to be part of the divine history, part of the new man, to live and write the history of God in man, and we can experience God’s organic salvation and preach the gospel of peace to become the one new man in reality and […]
Enjoying the All-inclusive Christ as the Good Land flowing with Milk and Honey

Our Christ – the preeminent and all-inclusive One – is our allotted portion, and the purpose of God’s calling is to bring us into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ, typified by the good land flowing with milk and honey. Hallelujah for our all-inclusive Christ! This week in our crystallization-study of Deuteronomy we come to […]
Enjoy and Announce the Glad Tidings of the Triune God with all His Accomplishments

Psa. 68 reveals God’s victory in Christ as the center, typified by the Ark, and in the first part we see that we as His believers, the women staying at home, enjoy the spoil and preach the glad tidings, which is the Triune God with all His accomplishments. What is the connection between Psa. 68 […]
Christ’s Death and Resurrection Produced and Built up the Church as His Counterpart

Through Christ’s death and resurrection, God produced and built the church as the counterpart of Christ. Adam and Eve are a picture, a type, of Christ and the church; when Adam was created, he was a type of Christ, and his need for a wife shows the need Christ has for the church. In God’s […]
New Jerusalem is a Corporate God-man, the Consummation of the High Peak of Revelation

The consummation of the central vision of God’s economy and of the high peak of the divine revelation is the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2, 9-11); the new Jerusalem is a corporate God-man and the consummation of the high peak of the divine revelation. The central vision of God’s economy is the experience of Christ as […]