At the fullness of the times, all things will be headed up in Christ; today we are in the process of being headed up in Christ so that through the church God would head up all things in Christ. According to the Bible in God’s eyes there are four main ages in the span of […]
Seeing and Enjoying God’s Dispensing through the Ages until the Fullness of the Times
The Center of Paul’s Gospel – Romans chapter 8, God’s dispensing, and the sonship
The center of Paul’s gospel is Romans chapter 8. Here he unveils the dispensing of the Triune God as life into the tripartite man. This is the focus of God’s economy: God coming into us to be our life so that we may be His corporate expression. This is experiential. The law of the Spirit of life (v. 2) is the Triune God operating in us. He first makes our spirit life (v. 10) then spreads to make our mind life (v. 6), then to impart life to our mortal body (v. 11) and to enable us to put to death all our natural living (v. 13). By this spreading of life within, we mature from children (v. 16) to sons (read more in 8:14, note 3). The goal of this expanding dispensation is our conformation to the image of God’s firstborn Son (v. 29). Lord, daily spread Yourself in our entire being until we fully express You. [guest post as the last part of the series, The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery, ITERO 2011]
the line of life in the Bible (part 2): Samuel, David, Daniel, the Lord Jesus, the believers, Paul, etc
Yesterday we saw many persons in the Old Testament that were on the line of life – those who loved God, called on the name of Jehovah, walked with God, and were even one with God. Throughout the Bible there are people who not only worshipped God but were specifically in the line of life […]
the dispensing of the Triune God into the members of the Body of Christ as revealed in Ephesians
What an epistle the book of Ephesians is! Part of the heart of the Bible and speaking from the standpoint of God’s purpose and His economy, the book of Ephesians speaks of God’s economy being accomplished through the exercise of our spirit – for the producing and building up of the church as the Body […]
What is the Central Line of the Divine Revelation in the Bible? What’s the main revelation in the Bible?
This is a question that all the genuine believers in Christ should ask themselves and have it settled within them! The Bible speaks about a lot of things and it has many topics, many books, and many writers. But the Scriptures as the God-breathed Word (2 Tim. 3:16) have a central line – there is […]
The economy of God is God’s household administration to dispense all His riches to us…

This morning I enjoyed afresh to see what God’s economy is – what is the divine economy! In the Bible we see several mentions of “the economy of God”, which phrase is sometimes translated as the “dispensation of God”, “the stewardship of God”, or “God’s dispensation“. Here is what 1 Timothy 1:4 says, Nor to […]