The master key to every blessing in the New Testament is the one accord; we need to realize that in the church life everything depends on God’s blessing, and He pours out His blessing, even the fullness of the blessing of Christ, upon the saints in one accord. Amen! The one accord is really the […]
Being on Alert about our Speaking and Opinions, for One Accord is the Key to God’s Blessing
Praising God and Speaking Well of the Church Life to be under God’s Blessing today

We want to be those praising God and speaking well of the church so that we may be under God’s blessing today. Throughout the centuries, those who have blessed Israel and who spoke well of the church have been blessed, and those who spoke evil of Israel and of the church have been under a […]
Ministering to the Lord not by Human Effort or Sweat but in God’s Rest and Blessing

According to Ezek. 44:17-18, those who minister to the Lord should not wear woolen but linen garments, so that they would not sweat; this means that as we serve the Lord we should do a work with no sweat, no human effort, a work under God’s blessing. We want to be those who minister to […]
Living a Life under God’s Blessing and Eliminating any Barriers that would Hinder it

As believers in Christ, we need to treasure God’s blessing; our normal Christian life should be a life of blessing and our Christian work should be a work of blessing, enjoying God’s blessing and being under God’s blessing. Our God is not only the One who created us, redeemed us, and came into us to […]