This week in our prayerful consideration of propagating Christ we come to the matter of, Shepherding the Flock of God according to God by Being Patterns of the Flock, and today in particular we want to see what it means to shepherd according to God’s desire. The Christ we propagate is not only the incarnated […]
Learning to Shepherd others according to God’s Desire out of Love for the Lord Jesus
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, God's economy, His heart's desire, love the Lord, morning revival, serving the saints, the Body of Christ, the Christian Life, the church life, the gospel, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: 2018 fall ITERO, broken cisterns, God is faithful, God wants to be the fountain, holy word for morning revival, James Lee, knowing God's desire, love the Lord, shepherd according to God, shepherd according to God's desire, shepherd My sheep, shepherding others, Witness Lee
God’s pleasure is to be the fountain of living waters to dispense Himself into us and make us His increase
This is what God desires – this is His good pleasure, the desire of His heart – to be the fountain of living waters that man may drink Him, enjoy Him, be filled with Him, and become His enlargement, His increase, His expression. In His economy, God intends to be the fountain, the source, of […]
Filed Under: Christ became the Spirit, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, feeding on the Lord, His heart's desire, longings, O Lord Jesus!, our birthright, the Christian Life, the Lord's recovery Tagged With: absorb Christ, assimilate Christ, baptized in the Spirit, Christ wants to increase, crystallization study of Isaiah, drink Christ, drinking Jesus, eat Christ, enjoy Christ more, for God's good pleasure, fountain of living waters, God is faithful, God wants to be the fountain, God's heart's desire, life-study of Jeremiah, nothing apart from God satisfies, produce the church, quench our thirst, two evils
only by coming to God as the fountain of living waters can we be satisfied fully and become His expression today!

In Isaiah and in Jeremiah we see God dealing with His people, and many times we have the impression that “God wants to punish Israel” – all those judgements, wars, etc. But there is a verse in Jeremiah that sheds some fresh light on what God desires from His people, how does He want to […]
Filed Under: Christ became the Spirit, contacting God, Enjoying Christ, expounding the truth, feeding on the Lord, God's economy, His heart's desire, O Lord Jesus!, the Christian Life, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: broken cisterns, calling on the Lord's name, come and drink Christ, drink the living water, drinking Jesus, fountain of living waters, God fully quenches our thirst, God wants to be the fountain, hew out cisterns, not forsaking God, only God satisfies, open to the Lord, source of living waters, two evils