The most marvellous and all-inclusive transformations of the eternal Triune God in His becoming a man are God’s move in man for the accomplishment of His eternal economy; today we need to move in God’s move and have God’s move in our move. Amen! May the Lord have a way to shine on the […]
Seeing that God’s Marvellous Transformations are for God’s Move in Man to Deify Man
Seeing and Being in the Great Wheel of the Move of God’s Economy (Ezekiel 1)
![Seeing and Being in the Great Wheel of the Move of God's Economy (Ezekiel 1) [in the picture: In every age and in every generation, the wheel of God’s economy has been moving on earth, and now we all are a part of the move of this great wheel.]](
In this universe, there is such a thing as the will of God, and what God desires to do is not necessarily related to matters related to our personal benefit and comfort. In His will, God wants to become the life, content, and everything to His people so that He may be expressed corporately through […]
God’s move is in man today, and the flow of life out of the house of God is for God’s glory
Athanasius said concerning Christ, He was made man that we might be made God, and he also said, The Word was made flesh… that we, partaking of His Spirit, might me deified. This is how God moves on earth – God moves in man and through man, doing nothing apart from man. God moves in man to deify man, making man the same as God in life and nature but not in the Godhead. Hallelujah, we are in this process of being deified as we allow God to move in us! [continue reading online]
God’s move today is related to man; He moves in man and with man

If we read Genesis, we see that God created all things – He didn’t need anyone to help Him do this. He simply spoke things into being. But when it comes to the New Testament, in the Gospels, we see that God Himself became a man and did everything in man and through man! God’s […]