Our God is the I AM – He is everything that we need; He is the true God, the living God, the eternal King, He is ever-existing and self-existing, and toward us, His people, He is the I am, the reality of all positive things. Hallelujah! This week we come to another crystal in the […]
Jehovah God is the I AM: He’s Ever-Existing and All-inclusive, He Meets all our Needs
The God who Called us is the Great I AM and He is the God of our Fathers!

The first aspect of God’s calling is that we need to see the vision of the burning thornbush, and the second aspect is seeing who God is and what God is. The God who calls us is the great I AM – He was, He is, and He will be. God is ever-existing, self-existing, and […]
I give my life to You, Lord, for You alone are worthy! I love You!(2011 Poland camp)
The Poland camp was “different” this year. Praise the Lord for this time. It was so encouraging to be with saints and to hear all these words. I appreciated that brother Tom opened some topics like Lord’s coming, relationships, our attitude toward world, the danger of world, and many other things. I was impressed especially […]
we can be the dispensational instrument that the Lord needs today(sharing from the 2011 Poland camp)
Every year, hundreds of young people from all over the globe travel to a small village in Poland called Male Ciche to consecrate one whole week for the enjoyment of Christ and to be constituted with the Word of God. This year’s conference was no exception, and although the rain was falling all week, this […]
everything we need, God as the “I AM” is! We can enjoy Him by turning to Him!(Poland camp 2011)
When God called Moses (Exo. 3:14), He revealed his name – He is the “I AM”, the “I am who I am”. Only GOD IS – He is the eternal One, without beginning or end. Everything else: Satan, the world, our problems, our feelings, etc DON’T EXIST! God is, and we are not! There is […]
there is a yearning in us to touch God, the reality in this universe; it is simple to touch God!

Who is God? The Bible provides us with the answer to this question, and it shows very clearly that God is the I AM. That means, He is the One who has existed, is now existing, and will forever exist. While everything else in this world has a beginning, He does not. And when everything […]