Seeing God’s Heavenly way of Balancing the Daily Supply and Wealth among His People

 God is wise in His heavenly way of balancing the daily supply among His people, and we need to cooperate with God to practice a heavenly balancing of wealth and money in our daily life. This week in our Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today, we come […]

Objective Doctrines need to become Subjective Truths as Spirit and Life for the Church

We need to be absolute for both the objective truths and the subjective truths; the objective doctrines are for the subjective truth to produce and build up the church. The truth in the divine revelation is not something relative, as the worldly people today seem to make it. In the world today truth is becoming […]

A vision of God’s Sovereignty: He does all things according to His Eternal Economy

God as our sovereign Potter has absolute right over us as His pottery; it is crucial for us as believers in Christ to see a vision of God’s sovereignty and realize that we are His vessels made by Him to contain Him. This week in our morning revival we come to Jer. 18:1-10 where we […]

Praying Persistently and Trusting our Sovereign Lord who is a God who Hides Himself

Our God is a God who hides Himself; He seems not to act when we pray, and He seems not to judge when we ask Him to vindicate us, but we need to bother Him with our persistent prayer until He does what He wants to do. We need to pray persistently, and our prayer […]

A Vision of the Throne of God: God is on the Throne Ruling over all Things for His Economy

As believers in Christ, we need to see a spiritual vision of the throne of God as the center of God’s administration throughout the universe. Amen, the heavens rule, and God is on the throne behind the scenes! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, Seeing a Vision of the […]

Being Renewed by the Addition of God’s Element as our Outer man is being Consumed

We need to be renewed for the one new man; to be renewed is to have God’s element added into our being to replace and discharge our old element, and God arranges our environment so that our outer man is consumed and our inner man is renewed. We need to realise that, on the cross, […]

Considering what the Lord wants to Do in God’s Move today in this World Situation

Both human history and the history of the church show us that the world situation has been and is an indicator of God’s move on earth, and today as we see the many changes in the world situation, we need to wake up and consider what the Lord wants to do and how these changes […]