As those who live in Acts chapter 29 (the continuation of the book of Acts), we need to realize that we have been commissioned by the Lord to be His witnesses and ministers, those who open people’s eyes, turn them from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God, that they may […]
Praying over, Experiencing, and Carrying out our Divine Commission (Acts 26:18)
In the New Covenant God is our God and we are His People, and we Know God Inwardly

The revelation of God’s highest grace toward man is His new covenant with man; in the new covenant God promises to put His law within us, write His law into our mind that we may know God, He will be our God and we will be His people, we will not need anyone to teach […]
Christ as the God-man satisfies God’s desire and fulfills His good pleasure, as seen in Psa. 16:1-7
Christ is the only One, the God-man, who satisfies God’s desire and fulfills His good pleasure. God finds all His delight in Him, and He wants His Christ to be our everything. In Psalms 15 we see that David asked a question, “Who can dwell with God on His holy mountain?” – but the answer […]
If God in Christ is everything we need, why some Christians are still unhappy or joyless?
This is a very good question. As believers in Christ, we know from the Bible that when we repented and believed in the Lord, Christ became our allotted portion with the saints in the light (Col. 1:12), and God gave Christ to us as the fattened calf (Luke 15) for us to enjoy. We were […]
in the age of the jubilee we are in the age of ecstasy – we are besides ourselves enjoying the Lord!
God intends to be man’s pleasure, man’s possession, and man’s inheritance – this is why He presented Himself to man in the beginning as the tree of life! But because man has lost his inheritance (which is God Himself) and his family (which is the Triune God and the family of God), man needs to […]
Jesus Christ became a covenant to us: He is the Mediator and Executor of the new covenant!
God’s heart’s desire is not for man to serve Him and be submissive to Him; God desires to give all He is to man so that man may enjoy Him and express Him! This is why God created man and put man in front of the tree of life – He wanted man to enjoy […]
The high gospel of God’s full salvation, from redemption until the Body of Christ and the New Jerusalem!

Many people living on earth today have heard, in one form/way or another, the gospel being preached to them. And especially in the highly cultured / civilized countries, there are more and more people that do NOT really want to be a Christian, but would rather adhere to atheism. The gospel that is preached today […]