Christ as the Word of God speaks for God; He became flesh to make God contactable, touchable, receivable, and enjoyable, and He has become the Spirit for us to receive Him and enjoy Him! Hallelujah, what a Christ we have! The Gospel of John is an amazing Gospel, speaking not of an objective Christ or […]
Christ as the Word of God Speaks for God; now God is Contactable, Receivable, and Enjoyable
Enjoying God as our Portion in His Living Word: God in Christ is Everything to us!

What the Word of God in the Bible is to us depends on what our attitude, condition, and heart we have when we come to it; if we come to get more knowledge and doctrines, the Bible is a book full of spiritual things and stories and prophecies, but if we come to the word […]
enjoying God in the house of God: beholding His beauty, tasting His goodness, and being saturated!
Our God is enjoyable – and He created us with the need for enjoyment… In the house of God we know and testify that God Himself is so enjoyable and pleasant! Praise the Lord, our God is an enjoyable God in an enjoyable house! This means that there’s loveliness, pleasantness, and delightfulness here – to behold the beauty of the Lord is pleasant, delightful, and lovely!
Enjoying God and living for His purpose; stop trying to do, and enjoy the God of Joy!
Recently, I have been pondering over “Enjoying God and Living for His Purpose” – you know, we need to see the connection between enjoyment of God and purpose of God! First of all – Our God is a God of purpose! The universe was created for God’s will, which is His purpose (Rev 4:11). We may […]