Our God is a speaking God, and by His speaking, God is brought into man and man is brought into God; our life hinges totally upon God’s speaking, for the living God imparts and infuses Himself into us by His speaking, which brings in light and life. Amen! This week in our morning revival […]
Our Living God Imparts and Infuses Himself as Light and Life into us by His Speaking
We are Short of God, so God works Inwardly and Outwardly to Work Himself into us

Our basic problem is that we are short of God, so He works as the God of resurrection to not only strip us and consume us bu also to work Himself into us so that we may gain God. This was the need that Job had; he was such a self-righteous person that he did […]
Be Satisfied with Normal Days under the Divine Dispensing for God’s image and Dominion

God’s original intention in creating man in His image and according to His likeness will be fulfilled in the millennium with the overcomers and ultimately in the New Jerusalem with all of God’s people who would have been transformed, renewed, and fully glorified to express God and represent Him corporately. Right now, we are in […]
The purpose of God’s move in His incarnation – to bring God into man and mingle God with man!
Though we all may know that God became man in the person of Christ Jesus, do we all know what is the purpose of God’s incarnation? Why did God move out of eternity into time, and why did God come into man? This morning I had a fresh appreciation of some of the main points […]
The Dispensing of the Triune God as Life according to His Righteousness, through His Holiness and unto His Glory

Hallelujah for God’s economy – the dispensing of the Triune God as life (zoe)! The Triune God dispenses Himself as life (zoe) into man so that His divine attributes of righteousness, holiness and glory may become man’s human virtues, with the righteousness, holiness and glory as attributes of zoe. In God’s economy, we can see […]