As believers in Christ, we need to see a clear vision and enter into the divine and mystical realm of the consummated Spirit and the pneumatic Christ in our daily living; we need to live in the mingled spirit and do all things according to the Spirit. Amen! This week we come to a new […]
See and Enter in the Divine and Mystical Realm of the Consummated Spirit
God Dwells in us – He is the Law of the Spirit of Life Installed in our spirit!

It is amazing to realize that God dwells in us – He is the law of the Spirit of life installed in our spirit! Wow! Romans chapter 8 is the focus of the entire Bible and the center of the universe, and if we experience what this chapter reveals, we’re in the center of […]
The New Testament is the Practical Fulfillment of God’s Eternal Economy

It is enlightening and amazing to realize that the Old Testament is a figurative portrait of God’s eternal economy and the New Testament is the practical fulfilment of God’s eternal economy. Wow! The entire Bible speaks of one thing, the very thing that was hidden in the heart of God for generations but was […]
Being Baptized into the Processed Triune God to Enjoy the Riches of the Triune God

After the Lord Jesus passed through incarnation, human living, crucifixion, death, and resurrection, He charged His disciples to baptize the believing ones into the processed Triune God so that they may be brought into an organic union with God and enjoy all the riches of the Triune God. What a great commission we have, […]
We Baptize People into the Triune God to bring them into an Organic Union with Him

As believers in Christ, we are commissioned by the Lord to disciple the nations by baptizing them into the name of the Triune God, that is, to baptize people into the processed Triune God by baptizing them into Him, into Christ (Matt. 28:19). Hallelujah! The book of Matthew is quite amazing in the illustrations […]
We need to Know that the Work of God was done entirely by Himself for us to Enjoy it

Keeping God’s Sabbaths in Lev. 26 means that the work of God was accomplished by God Himself that we might enjoy it, and there’s no need for us to do any work! The conclusion of the book of Leviticus is very surprising. On one hand we have chapter 25 where we see the proclamation of […]
The Spirit has been Processed and has Become the Consummated Spirit, the Spirit!

This week we will take a long spiritual journey from Genesis 1:2 to Revelation 22:17 to see what happened and what are the results of “the Spirit of God was brooding over the waters” becoming “the Spirit and the Bride say, Come!” In a very real sense, whether or not we are actually and intrinsically […]