The overcomers as Zion enjoy Christ, have the highways to Zion in their heart, pass through the valley of weeping and make it into a spring, dwell in the house of God and enjoy its blessings, fellowship with the Lord and with the saints, and live and rest in Zion where God dwells. Hallelujah! […]
Overcomers have the Highways to Zion in their Heart and Enjoy Christ in God’s House
Being Absolutely Open to the Lord and Persevering in Prayer to be His Overcomers today

The only way for us to reach the high peak of God’s eternal economy – the reality of the Body of Christ – is by praying; we need to pray and open widely to the Lord for Him to come in to use us as a stepping stone, a beachhead, for His ultimate move […]
Being the Overcomers who Gain Christ for Christ and bring Christ forth to Write God’s History

We may have read the books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth many times, but we may have never realized what is the hidden, intrinsic significance of these books; we may have never thought that we need to enjoy and gain Christ for Christ, and we need to take the good land and be the proper […]
Being the Overcomers who Live in the Reality of the Body and Stand in Christ’s Victory

What the Lord is looking for today is the overcomers who live in the reality of the Body of Christ, those who consummate the building up of the Body in the local churches to bring in the holy city, New Jerusalem, as God’s dwelling place for eternity. God chose the church, but the church as […]
May we Answer the Lord’s Call for Overcomers and be like Daniel and his Companions!

It is so very inspiring to read the book of Daniel and see how Daniel and his companions were overcomers in their age, being absolutely one with God in their victory over Satan’s devices and schemes. Actually, with Daniel and his companions we see the principle of the Lord’s recovery, for they were men who […]
Being those who have a Dispensational Value to God doing a Special Work to End this age

Every time that God wants to make a dispensational move, a move to change the age, He must obtain His dispensational instrument; may we be those who have dispensational value to God in this age today! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, Answering God’s Call to be His Dispensational […]
Being Produced by God to be His Overcomers to Accomplish His Eternal Economy Today

In these last days before the Lord’s return, as we see how many believers are held back from fully experiencing Christ because of their imperfect and unscriptural theology, we need to give ourselves to the Lord to be produced as His overcomers to accomplish His eternal economy. Our God is a moving God, and in […]