The incarnation of Christ and His God-man living fulfilled God’s intention in His creation of man; He came as God mingled with man, a God-man, to live a God-man life by expressing the divine attributes in His human virtues. And today this One lives in us to be reproduced in His Body; we as believers […]
Christ became the first God-man to Express the Divine Attributes in His Human Virtues
In Christ God and Man have Become One Entity, the God-man, God mingled with Man

God did not create mankind – He created man according to God’s kind, making man in His image and according to His likeness (Gen. 1:26). The plants, animals, fish, and birds all were created according to their kind, but man was created in God’s image and likeness, so that man would become the same as […]
God Becoming Man and Man Becoming God is the Economy of God to Fulfill His Dream

These past four weeks we have been going through the matter of the gospel in a deeper way. We have seen that the gospel is the gospel of the kingdom and the gospel of grace, and we enjoyed some matters related to the structure of the gospel and Paul’s gospel (which is the gospel of […]
The Triune God Went Through a Process Economically and Became “the Spirit” (John 7:39)

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8), and with Him there is no change (Mal. 3:6; Num. 23:19). However, in the Gospel of John 1:14, we see that the Word – who was with God and who was God – became flesh. In His essence, God cannot change and will not […]
Seeing Christ’s Goings Forth from Eternity in History and Into Our Heart!
![Seeing Christ's Goings Forth from Eternity in History and Into Our Heart! [in the picture: alley in Cambridge, UK]](
There is a small phrase, “His going forth are from the ancient times” in Micah 5:2, which is the key to this whole coming week in our morning revival time. What does it mean that Christ’s goings forth are from the ancient times? The general knowledge and the common notion among the Christians today is […]
being drawn with cords of a man and bands of love to be in the divine romance

There is a very precious portion of a verse 4 in Hosea 11 which says, “I drew them with cords of a man, with bands of love”. Even though we are evil, unchaste, unfaithful, and in apostasy, God drew us with cords of man and with bands of love. He loves us with His divine […]
Christ in His ascension: His attainments, obtainments, the fulness of joy, and pleasures forever!
The spirit of the Bible is to exalt Christ, and in Psalm 16 we see a revelation of Christ as a wonderful Person in God’s economy! We need to see this Christ and appreciate Him for what He is and what He does. We need to ask the Lord to heal our eyes and remove […]