In the church life today we must walk in the truth of the heavenly vision of God’s economy, aim at the mark of God’s economy, and do everything for the goal of God’s eternal economy; the vision of God’s economy needs to be renewed in us day by day to be a controlling vision of […]
The Goal of God’s Eternal Economy is the Reality of the Organic Body of Christ
the direction of the Lord’s move today is to build up the organic Body of Christ

What is the direction of the Lord’s move today? In every age God is moving, and there’s a direction to His move. In our age, the direction of the Lord’s move is firstly to build up the Body of Christ for God to have a complete corporate expression in the universe! For this, we as […]
seeing the oneness practically portrayed in the gold rings in the tabernacle
The oneness the Lord Jesus prayed for in John 17 is very deep and mysterious, needing a lot of portions in the Bible to explain, expound, and make clear. Humanly speaking, how can we perceive such a oneness – the Triune God in us and us in the Triune God, we being brought into the […]
the believers are being made one in the divine glory for God’s expression

The third level of oneness in John 17 is the believers’ oneness in the divine glory for the corporate expression of the Triune God. The glory which the Father gave to the Son, this glory the Son gave to the believers that they may be one even as the Triune God is one. This is […]
we are being made one in the reality of the Father’s sanctifying word

In the Lord’s prayer in John 17 we see that there are three levels of oneness, or three increasingly important ways for us as believers in Christ to be one. Firstly, we are one in the Father’s name and by the Father’s divine life (John 17:6-13). Secondly, we are one in the reality of the […]
all the believers are one in the Father’s name and by the Father’s divine life

The Lord Jesus had a deep aspiration for oneness, and this aspiration issued in the high prayer recorded in John 17 for the oneness of the Body of Christ as the enlarged oneness of the Divine Trinity. In this prayer, we can see three levels of oneness: oneness in the Father’s name and by the […]
the fulfillment of the Lord’s prayer concerning glorification in John 17

The Lord’s prayer in John 17 is the highest and the deepest prayer in the Bible, and it is also very mysterious. He prayed for the Father to glorify Him that He may glorify the Father, and then later He prayed a lot about oneness – the oneness of the Triune God to be enlarged […]