As believers in Christ who are preparing themselves for the Lord’s return, we have four wonderful provisions from the Lord to help us receive the renewing, and we need to be renewed day by day, especially when we come to the Lord’s table. Amen, may we remain in the process of being renewed day […]
The Provisions God gives us to Help us Receive the Renewing in the Spirit of our Mind
Having Spiritual Emotions and being Tenderhearted for God to be Expressed through us

In order that God may be fully expressed through us, we need to have spiritual emotions and be tenderhearted with one another, and we need to be able to serve God with tears, even as Jeremiah and Paul also did. Amen! We don’t know when the Lord’s return takes place; we don’t know when His […]
Casting the Resurrected Christ in our Bitter Situations makes the Bitter Waters Sweet

After crossing the Red Sea, the children of Israel traveled for three days through the wilderness and found no water; then, they got to Marah, but the waters there were bitter, and they murmured against Moses, and Moses cried out to God. God showed Moses a tree, which he cast into the waters and they became […]
Being Renewed in the Spirit of Our Mind and Living a Forgiving Life for the Body

How can we live a life for the building up of the Body of Christ? In Ephesians 4:17-32 we have many hints, some more outward and practical while others intrinsic and enjoyable, on how we can practically live a life for the carrying out of the work of the ministry, which is the building up […]