For us to live a life of the continual burnt offering is to be a living sacrifice for God’s satisfaction; we need to worship God with Christ as the burnt offering for God’s satisfaction to fulfil His desire. Amen! God created us in His image and according to His likeness for us to express […]
Offer Ourselves as a Living Sacrifice and Offer Christ to God for His Satisfaction
Offering Christ as the Burnt Offering to God as His Food for His Satisfaction

We need to offer Christ as the burnt offering to God for His satisfaction; He is the reality of the burnt offering, and we can offer Him to God as His food. The burnt offering signifies Christ’s being absolute for God’s satisfaction and being our life to enable us to live such a life; […]
Enjoying the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity to be the Nazarites of Today

The Divine Trinity is revealed in the separation of the Nazarite in Num. 6, for it is only when we enjoy the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity can we be a genuine Nazarite to God, the Nazarites of today. We have to see that the book of Numbers is not only a record of […]
The Nazarites are Sanctified Absolutely to God and Abstain from Earthly Enjoyment

God desires that all His people be Nazarites, those who are sanctified and separated absolutely and ultimately to God; these are for nothing other than God, and they abstain from earthly enjoyment or pleasure because they are for God’s satisfaction. Who can be such a one? Who can be absolutely for God, seeking nothing else […]
In His Resurrection Christ Justified us before God and came to Live in us a Justified Life

Christ is the feast of Firstfruits, for He was resurrected by God and became the Firstfruits from the dead for the Father’s satisfaction; in His resurrection Christ justified us before God and live a life of justification. The third feast of the Jewish calendar is the feast of Firstfruits, which is a type of Christ […]
Christ with the Church Life is the Meal Offering for our Supply and God’s Satisfaction

As we partake of Christ as the meal offering, we become the reproduction of Christ, the church as a corporate meal offering, and what we eat is not just Christ but Christ with the church life as a meal offering. The goal of eating Christ at the meal offering is not merely us being nourished […]
The Church Life is a Corporate Meal Offering for God’s Satisfaction and Man’s Supply

Christ is the meal offering, and as we eat Him, we become His reproduction and have His God-man living to be the meal offering, and the church life as the corporate living by the perfected God-men becomes the corporate meal offering. Our need today is to eat Christ as the meal offering by exercising our […]