If we read the Scriptures carefully, we will see that there is a battle for the good land, that is, there’s an intense battle for our enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ; the enemy does many things to keep us away from enjoying Christ as the all-inclusive One. Oh, Lord! This week we come to […]
Seeing that there’s an Intense Battle for our Enjoyment of the All-inclusive Christ
The need to Engage in Spiritual Warfare to Defeat the Satanic Forces and Gain Christ

Christ is our good land, and God wants that we would gain Christ, but there’s a layer of devilish, demonic forces between us and the good land; therefore, there’s an exceedingly real spiritual warfare in which we must engage – we must fight the battle to gain the all-inclusive Christ for the building up of […]
Cooperate with the Lord to become the Bride as His Army to Fight against His Enemy

On the day of His wedding, Christ will marry those who have been fighting the battle against God’s enemy for years, and He will be the fighting General coming with His bride as His army to fight the enemy by His speaking and defeat him. The church, the Body of Christ, needs to be the […]
We’re Being Built up in the Body to Fight under the Blessing of God and Take the Land

As believers in Christ, we are being built up into the organic Body of Christ to fight for the carrying out of God’s economy, and we are being made ready to take the good land and fight under the blessing of God in His Divine Trinity. The history of the children of Israel is a […]
Fight the Battle to Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ for the Building up of the Church

If we would possess and enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the good land, we must engage in spiritual warfare to defeat the satanic forces which hinder us from the enjoyment of the all-inclusiveness of Christ. On His side, God desires to give us the good land, and He has promised it to […]
Christ will come as the General with His Bride to Fight against Antichrist at Armageddon

According to Rev. 19:11-21, Christ will come as the fighting General with His bride (who is composed of the overcoming believers, who are His army) to fight against Antichrist, the kings under him, and their armies at Armageddon. In this age the Lord is working to build up the Body of Christ so that His […]
12 Ways to Engage in the Spiritual Warfare and Bring in God’s Kingdom

Because there’s a spiritual warfare going between God’s kingdom and Satan’s kingdom, and because we are on God’s side as His people, everything we do for God is in the nature of a warfare. Preaching the gospel is actually delivering people from the authority of darkness (Acts 26:18). The purpose of the spiritual warfare and […]