Spiritual warfare is between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan; we as believers in Christ need to fight for the kingdom of God to come in by having an absolute and thorough consecration before the Lord in the day of His spiritual warfare. Amen! Spiritual warfare is a necessity today because Satan […]
Having an Absolute Consecration to the Lord and Fighting the Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual Warfare is Necessary to Subdue the Satanic Will and Bring in God’s Kingdom

We need to see that spiritual warfare is necessary in order to subdue the satanic will and bring in the kingdom of God. The purpose of spiritual warfare is to bring in the kingdom of God; because Satan’s will is set against God’s will, there’s a conflict, and we human beings can choose the divine […]
We Fight the Spiritual Warfare of the Church one with the Lord and in the Body

Israel’s fighting against the inhabitants of the land of Canaan that they may possess and enjoy the good land signifies the spiritual warfare of the church against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies that the saints may enjoy Christ as the all-inclusive land. Amen! Behind the visible scene, behind what we see […]
Fight against the Evil Forces who are Veiling the All-inclusiveness of Christ from us

We need to realize that Satan and his evil powers work to frustrate the people on earth from contacting God and receiving Christ, and the evil forces are veiling the all-inclusiveness of Christ from God’s people; we need to fight the spiritual warfare one with the Lord and in the Body to enjoy the […]
Fight the Battle by praying Prayers in Ascension, the Prayers of Spiritual Warfare

One of the deepest principles related to spiritual warfare is that we need to pray fighting prayers, prayers in ascension, prayers of spiritual warfare. There are four principles of spiritual warfare, the first being that in spiritual warfare we cannot fight with fleshly weapons. Though it may seem that the enemy is attacking us […]
In Spiritual Warfare we Stand in Ascension and Use not Fleshly but Spiritual Weapons

In order for us to fight the spiritual warfare, we need to know and apply the principles of spiritual warfare: we cannot use fleshly weapons, keep the position of ascension, use spiritual weapons, and have fighting prayers, the prayers of spiritual warfare. In order for us to build up the church as the Body […]
Being Empowered in the Lord to Fight the Battle in the Body to Deal with God’s Enemy

The warfare between the church and Satan is a battle between us who love the Lord and who are in His church and the evil powers in the heavenlies; we fight the battle in the Body by the power of the Lord! Hallelujah! In order for the church to be built up as the […]