When we are brought into the blending life of the entire Body of Christ, we can truly reign in life; we see this in the pattern of the apostle Paul in Rom. 16. Reigning in life is found in Romans 5, and this is the key to all the experiences of God’s organic salvation. […]
Reigning in Life to be Brought into the Blending life of the Entire Body of Christ
Among the Churches we have the Fellowship of the Body of Christ, not Organization

The church is the Body of Christ, and among all the churches that compose the one universal Body of Christ, there’s no organisation but there is the fellowship of the Body of Christ, which is universal and not merely local. The administration of the church may be local, but the fellowship is universal. Amen! In […]
The Unique Fellowship of the Body brings All the Members of the Body into Oneness

The unique fellowship of the Body of Christ is related to the oneness of the Body of Christ, and the fellowship of the Body of Christ is the fellowship among the churches. Our God is faithful, and in Him we were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord (1 Cor. 1:9). […]
We Practice the Fellowship of the Body when we Come to the Lord’s Table and Eat the Bread

There is only one Body in this universe, and in all the local churches we express it here on earth; when we come to the Lord’s table, we come to practice the fellowship of the Body, for by eating the one bread we testify that we all are one! On one hand each one of […]
Our Natural Man needs to be Dealt with for us to have the Fellowship of the Body

As members of the Body of Christ, our relationship with the Head is that of obedience, and our relationship with the Body is that of fellowship, for we need the fellowship of the Body. On one hand we obey Christ, the Head, as the unique authority in the Body, and in the other, we need […]
The Fellowship Among the Local Churches is the Fellowship of the Body of Christ

There is One Lord, One God, one faith, one baptism, one Spirit, and one fellowship in the Body of Christ. The fellowship each individual believer in Christ has with Christ is the one unique fellowship in the Body of Christ, and the fellowship the believers have among themselves is the unique fellowship in the Body. […]
The Fellowship of Life is the Flow of Life with the Supply of Life in the Believers

In the New Jerusalem, there is a river of water of life flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb, and this river spirals down from the throne and reaches all the four sides of the city, flowing out through the gates of the city (Rev. 22:1-2). On both sides of the river […]