We as believers in Christ can enjoy Christ as the Feast of Tabernacles, for our entire Christian life is a life of feasting on the Lord, in the Lord, and with the saints; even in the presence of our enemies, as we are suffering, we are still feasting, for the Lord spreads a table before […]
Christian Life is a Life of Feasting: from the Passover to the Feast of Tabernacles
The Issue of Life is the Church Life as a House of Feasting in Christ’s Resurrection

The issue of life is the church life as a house of feasting; the issue of our experience of Christ as life who meets all our needs is that we become the church life, we open our home for Him and the saints, and we feast together with the Lord. In John 12, after we […]
We are Serving God by Feasting with God to Enjoy God with God and to Worship God

Knowing God and knowing God’s ways leads us to serving God; we are saved by God and delivered by Him from the usurpation of the world so that we may serve God. The matter of serving God is a grand subject in the Bible, and this week we are approaching it in the context of […]
You spread a table before me in the presence of my adversaries; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over
Psa. 23:5 is the fourth stage of the deeper and higher enjoyment of the resurrected Christ, where the Lord spreads a table before us in the presence of our adversaries and He anoints our head with oil, our cup runs over! What a rich portion! What a rich Christ! Right after our passing through the […]
I no longer want to be under Satan’s grip: I decide to be a Nazarite! (sharing from the Poland camp)
Every year we have the privilege of being with the Lord on the mountain – almost literally, in the mountains of Tatry in Poland, in a small village in Male Ciche, with hundreds of young lovers of the Lord! Coming from Europe mainly and also from other continents, we spend one whole week going through […]