This announcement/tip, though not very “important” outwardly or to some, it is so important to many of us who have been following the 2011 Poland Camp and the European Young People’s Conference in Poland series that it needs its own blog post. And that’s right, these messages are online now, ready to be downloaded and […]
the messages from the Young People’s Conference in Poland 2011 are online at
Filed Under: consecration, Enjoying Christ, love the Lord, serving the saints, the church life, the Lord's recovery, yp sharing Tagged With: 2011 Poland camp, age-turners, ageturners, crucial aspects of God's economy, European Young People's Conference, facebook fan, feasting on Christ, get out of Egypt, Poland camp 2011 messages, Satan's usurpation, take Christ as our Passover, the Lord's move in Europe, the Passover Lamb, the Poland camp, the Poland conference, young people absolute for God, young people speaking
fleeing Egypt and being delivered from the subjective Pharaoh by keeping the feast!(2011 Poland camp)
Thank You Lord for Your speaking during the recent Poland Camp! May Your Words be rooted in our hearts… I am so thankful to the Lord that I had the privilege to be at the Poland camp this year – to see the younger ones and even the older ones to be enlightened through the Lord’s […]
Filed Under: Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, God's economy, longings, love the Lord, our birthright, the church life, the Lord's recovery Tagged With: 2011 Poland camp, a subjective Pharaoh, be resolute, eat Christ as the Passover, eating Jesus is the way, European Young People's Conference, feast unto the Lord, feasting on Christ, flee out of Egypt, God's purpose, I'm a Pharaoh unto myself, keep the feast, serving the young people, strengthen us in our inner man, the Lord's speaking, the Poland camp, the Poland conference
eating Christ by feasting on Him with the saints in the meetings on the ground of oneness
In the Old Testament, when the people of Israel entered the good land, they could enjoy the rich produce of the land in two ways – personally and corporately. Personally, they had a common, private way of enjoying the good land and its rich produce as a common portion for their daily living and enjoyment […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, feeding on the Lord, O Lord Jesus!, the all-inclusive Christ, the Body of Christ, the church life, the Word of God Tagged With: appointed feasts, Christ is our life, Christ is our life supply, Christ is our portion, corporate enjoyment, crucial elements of the Bible, enjoy the Lord with the saints, feasting on Christ, in the spirit, in the spirit on the ground, on the ground of oneness, personal enjoyment, personally enjoy the Lord, the good land, worship in spirit