The feast of the Passover in the Old Testament is replaced and continued by the Lord’s Table in the New Testament and will be fulfilled in the feast in the kingdom age. Christ is our Passover, and He was crucified for us to be redeemed and have God’s judgement pass over us. In Leviticus we […]
The Lord’s Table Replaces and Continues the Feast of the Passover: Christ is our Passover
Christ is our Passover; He’s our Redemption to Begin our Enjoyment of God’s Salvation

The feast of the Passover signifies Christ as our redemption to begin our enjoyment of God’s salvation with God, in which Christ is everything. There were seven yearly feasts, and the first one was the feast of the Passover. There were the weekly feasts, the Sabbath, and there were the yearly ones, seven of them. […]
Keep the Feast by Blending, Praising, Enjoying, and being Reminded we’re Sojourners

The Bible is a book of life, our God is a living God, and we are the living people of the living God called by Him to enjoy Him and feast on Him. Throughout the Bible we see how God cares more for what we eat than for what we do; in His mind what […]
everything we need, God as the “I AM” is! We can enjoy Him by turning to Him!(Poland camp 2011)
When God called Moses (Exo. 3:14), He revealed his name – He is the “I AM”, the “I am who I am”. Only GOD IS – He is the eternal One, without beginning or end. Everything else: Satan, the world, our problems, our feelings, etc DON’T EXIST! God is, and we are not! There is […]