Even during the period of the decline of the church, when there’s a downward trend and most of God’s people are carried away, we need to be among the remnant of God’s people who receive mercy from the Lord to remain faithful to Him, and we need to be patterns of people who live in […]
Receive the Lord’s mercy to be a Pattern to the Believers by Living in the Spirit
Let’s pray for those who are burdened to serve full time to be faithful to the Lord and to trust in Him

Dear saints, let us pray that those who receive the Lord’s burden and commission to serve full time would be faithful to the Lord, taking care of the work that the Lord has committed to them and exercising faith and trusting in Him (2 Cor. 4:13; Prov. 3:5). Whether we serve full time or we […]
Having a Clear Vision of God’s Economy and being Governed and Directed by this Vision

In the Lord’s recovery today the Lord is recovering God’s economy, which is God’s eternal purpose and intention to dispense Himself into man to be man’s life and life supply for the producing and building up of the Body of Christ. The matter of God’s economy is in the Bible – the Old Testament saints […]
turning our tears of weeping into springs of blessings by setting our eyes on Zion
The highways to Zion is not superficial or cheap; the way of the church life demands a price that we need to pay. It is not external, superficial, or cheap. If we wouldn’t care for Christ and the church that much, we wouldn’t suffer; but as we care for the church life, we will partake of the sufferings needed for the building up of the Body of Christ. We will have sufferings related to the church, related to God’s economy, some misunderstandings from your family because you stand for the church, etc – and you may shed tears…. But the Lord turns those tears to be the Spirit! You will be all the more filled with the Spirit and released in your spirit that you may flow! [read more online]