Being Priests Expressing Christ in our Living to Light the Lamps in the Meetings

As believers in Christ, we are priests of God and members of the Body of Christ, and we meet with other believers in the church; our responsibility and privilege as we meet is that we light the lamps, that is, cause the divine light to ascend. Our God is light, and we as believers in […]

Lighting the Lamps in the Sanctuary signifies the Proper Way to Meet as Christians

The priests in the Old Testament did three main things: they offered the sacrifices (in the outer court), they light the lamps (in the Holy Place), and they burn the incense (in the Holy of Holies). Offering the sacrifices in the outer court was on the altar on behalf of the people; the people of […]

God’s Move on Earth is by the Move of “the High and Awesome Wheels” (Ezek. 1)

The way God carries out His economy is through His move, and God’s move is portrayed in Ezek. 1:15-21 by the move of the high and awesome wheels. When we walk from here to there we don’t need wheels, but when we go to specific places we need some wheels. God has a special move, […]

the unique oneness of the Spirit has four factors, two means, and one goal!

It is not easy to describe in human words something that is divine, and it is not easy to understand with our mind something that is going on in the divine and mystical realm. In the same way that we can’t understand with our mind what an “aroma” is unless we exercise the sense of […]

What is the Lord’s recovery? It’s the recovery of the enjoyment of Christ and the practice of the church life

The primary and crucial aspect of the Lord’s recovery is to recover the dispensing of the Triune God as life (“Zoe” – the divine, eternal, incorruptible, indestructible, uncreated life of God) into His redeemed people in order that He may be fully expressed on the earth. In order to recover this God must have a […]

Spanish: Un Hombre bajo autoridad – A Man Under Authority

Esta es la medula de nuestro vivir cristiano. Éste fue el vivir que llevo el Señor Jesús, Él vivió bajo la autoridad del Padre. (Fil. 2:5-11). Hasta el Centurión Romano se dio cuenta de esto. Él percibió que algo emanaba de este hombre, Jesús, por eso en Mt. 8:9 dijo: “Porque yo también soy hombre bajo […]

God is willing to do many things, but He waits for our cooperation, our prayer

There are some very encouraging verses in the Bible like “all things that you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and you will have them”(Mark 11:24) and “… that whatever you ask the Father in My name, He may give you” (John 15:16). These and many other verses (John 14:13, 15:716:24) show […]