In order for us to be one in soul, we need to be one with Christ in His emotions, His inward parts; we need to put on the inward parts of Christ, His inward affection, tender mercy, and sympathy. To be one in soul, first we need to think the one thing; our mind […]
Being One in soul by Being one with Christ in His Inward Parts for the Body of Christ
Abiding in, Experiencing, and Living in the Inward Parts of Christ for the Body

The apostle Paul was a pattern of one who lived Christ in His inward parts, remaining in the inward parts of Christ and allowing Christ to remodel, reconstitute, and remake his inner being with Himself. Initially Paul was one who persecuted the church of God, the members of the Body of Christ, and the Bible […]
To Live in the Reality of the Body we need to Live in the Inward Parts of Christ Jesus

If we would live in the reality of the Body of Christ we need to live in the inward parts of Christ Jesus, knowing His inward parts and living one with Him. This means first that we allow Him to make His home in our heart. The Lord Jesus came into our spirit through regeneration, […]
Continually Experiencing Christ in His Inward Parts for the Church as the One New Man

We need to be those who are continually experiencing Christ in His inward parts for the church as the one new man. We need to learn from the apostle Paul to remain in the inward parts of Christ, have a feeling for the Body, and live the church life with the consciousness of the new […]