The key to labouring on Christ, experiencing Christ, and producing Christ is exercising our spirit; we need to take care of the inner sense in our spirit, the deepest part of our being, and exercise our spirit in all things in order to labour on Christ day by day. As believers in Christ, we […]
We Labour on Christ by Exercising our Spirit, caring for the Deep Sense in our Spirit
Witnesses of Christ bear a Living Testimony of the Christ they Experience and Enjoy

This week we come to a wonderful topic, being Witnesses of the Resurrected, Ascended, and All-inclusive Christ, and we want to see that we as believers in Christ are witnesses of Christ. Whatever we do and speak of, even concerning the wonderful and all-inclusive Christ we need to bear in mind that we are witnesses […]
Experiencing Christ to have a Keen Sense of Discernment and be Fresh and Living

As believers in Christ, we need to discern between what is of God and what is not of God, what is of life and what is of death, what is good and what is evil, and what God wants and what He hates; we need to have a walk that has been tested and burned […]
Lighting the Lamps involves every Aspect of our Experience in the Christian Life

As believers in Christ we need to daily come to the Lord in our Christian life and be shined on by Him, and we need to walk in His light. However, there’s a great danger that we would “make our own light” and walk in our own light, which leads to pain and darkness. I […]
Enjoying and Experiencing Christ for the Church, the Dwelling Place of God (Psa. 84)

Psa. 84 is very enlightening and encouraging as we try to deepen our study of the tabernacle in the Bible; in this psalm we see the yearning, desire, and love of the psalmist for the house of God, and at the same time we see God’s desire being fulfilled and Him blessing those who are […]
The New Man is Perfected Through the Growth in Divine Life of All the Believers

Our most desperate need in God’s eyes today is to grow in life. There are millions of believers on the earth today, but where is the built-up Body of Christ? There are so many genuine Christians, but where is the one new man? Who takes Christ as their life and person? Who is paying attention […]
Growing Further in Life to Fulfill God’s Purpose of Expressing and Representing God

God’s purpose is accomplished by life, and in Genesis 1 we see in type the experience of Christ as life and the growth in life for the fulfillment of God’s purpose. God as the Spirit came to brood upon our dead situation, and He spoke something to us, bringing light in our inner being, and […]