The Key to Experiencing Christ is our mingled spirit, and the best way to enjoy Him is to call on His name

How can we experience Christ? How can we contact God? God today is not only in the heavens, sitting on the throne, and He is not just ruling and reigning over everything – He is now as personal to us as being in our mingled spirit! When we received the Lord Jesus into us by […]

today in the church life we have a foretaste of the coming age, we’re being inwardly changed and restored!

This morning we were enjoying the verses in Isaiah 11:6-9 that refer to the condition of the creation at the time of the restoration of life – so peaceful, so normal, yet so different from what we see today: v. 6 And the wolf will dwell with the lamb; And the leopard will lie down […]

we are now light in the Lord, so therefore let us walk as children of light, bearing the fruit of the light

It is so easy to “miss it” when you come to a verse that you have read so many times, and it is quoted by others so often. This morning I enjoyed these two simple verses in Ephesians 5:8-9, For you were once darkness but are now light in the Lord; walk as children of […]

Exercising Our Spirit in Our Speaking, some enjoyment from podcast #27 at

Did you listen to Podcast #27 on This particular one is entitled “Exercising Our Spirit in Our Speaking (2)” – When it comes to exercising our spirit in our daily life, one area that we often overlook, or are numb to, is the matter of our speaking, our words. In this podcast, Brother Ricky […]

The God whom we serve and love is a God who hides Himself and operates in secret

No, we cannot see God, we cannot touch Him – we cannot physically see or touch Him. Yet just like Peter says, though we have never seen Him, we love Him! I was so impressed regarding this matter this morning as I was enjoying the Lord in the morning revival on the Crystallization-study of Isaiah […]

in His wisdom, God has made the birthright as an incentive and a reward for the seeking believers

We introduced a little what the birthright is in the previous article – the significance, preciousness, and enjoyment of the birthright in God’s economy: what is the birthright? – and we have seen that God intended for the whole human race to enjoy this birthright: expressing Him in His image (the priesthood), having dominion over […]

We need to contact Christ in our spirit by talking to Him, telling Him what’s on our heart

In order to contact something, we need to use the proper organ. For example, if you want to hear the voice of someone you need to use your ears. Now Christ is the Spirit today, so then we need to use our human spirit to contact Him. The spirit is the deepest part of our […]