In the meetings of the church God makes His will known to us; many wonderful things happen under the surface in the meetings, and when we enter the sanctuary of God, we know God’s will, receive the divine revelation, and God’s way becomes clear to us. If we realize that the will of God is […]
Enter the Sanctuary of God in our Spirit and the Church Meetings to Know God’s Will
We cannot Live without the Supply of the Body; we Live in the Body and see God’s Light

As members of the Body of Christ, we cannot live without the supply of the Body; therefore, we must constantly avail ourselves of the fellowship of the Body and remain in the Body so that we may receive light and supply. Sometimes we may feel dry and unable to go on, and nothing works; we […]
The Work of the Holy Spirit can be Revealed at the Time of Ministering to the Lord

The unique principle for the work in the New Testament is that the work of the Holy Spirit can be revealed only at the time of ministering to the Lord. We see this in Acts 13:1-2, where there were some brothers in the church in Antioch who were ministering to the Lord and fasting, and […]
We see the Divine Light when we are in our Spirit and in the Church, God’s Sanctuary

As believers in Christ we are priests of God, and it is our function as priests to light the lamps in the Holy Place, that is, walk in the light and cause the divine light to ascend as we meet with the saints. We need to realize that we are a holy people, we have […]
being the seekers of God who care for nothing but gaining God and obtaining God
It is not a matter of “keeping the law”, “doing the right thing and not the wrong thing”, “being good and not being evil” – all these belong to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is a matter of enjoying God, seeking God, obtaining God, and even possessing God as our everything. God wants us to experience Him and enjoy Him to the extent that we honestly and genuinely say, “Lord, I don’t care for anything but the tree of life – I don’t care for anything other than God Himself”. This is what the psalmist experienced, enjoyed, and spoke about when he wrote Psalm 73. [read more online]
everything is clear when we exercise our spirit and we come to the church meetings
In the Holy Place in the tabernacle there was no natural light – there was only the light of the lampstand, the light of the Holy Place. In the natural light (the light of the sun and the moon) we can see the natural and outward things, but in the light of the Holy Place we can see God’s economy and His administration. In God’s presence, in His shining, in His light, we don’t need any natural light or man-made light. In the church life we do not need any natural light – in the church life as the Holy Place in the tabernacle we have the lampstand shining with God as the light! [continue reading online]
the solution to all our problems can be found by entering into the sanctuary of God
Psalm 73 speaks of a man who does his best to keep the law and God’s commandments, who is puzzled and almost stumbled when he sees that he is in suffering and pain while the evil men prosper and nothing seems to bother them. While the righteous man is being plagued and persecuted, going through all kinds of not-so-pleasant things, the evil men prosper. Why is it like this? The psalmist found the answer when he entered into the sanctuary of God – there he perceived their end, and he realized that God is his unique portion and reward! We also need to see this by coming into the sanctuary of God – here we have the answer! [read more online]