Before Noah started to build the ark, he was already walking with God – this means he was already righteous. Why did he need to still build the ark if he was already walking with God? This question also applies to all the genuine believers in Christ: since we are saved, why do we still […]
Working Out Our Own Salvation by Building Up Christ in Our Experience Day by Day
the picture of the tabernacle shows us that God is enterable: we can enter into God!
Before Christ came, God could only dwell among men, but after the process Christ passed through, by receiving Christ and experiencing Him as all the furnishing of the tabernacle, we can enter into God! The way we enter into God is by having all our problems solved (at the bronze altar) and by being washed to become the new creation (at the laver) – these qualify us to enter into the incarnated God (signified by the tabernacle). We enter further into God by enjoying Christ as our daily supply (at the showbread table), the light of life (at the lampstand), and at the incense altar being accepted by God and having intimate fellowship with God! [continue reading online]
building up Christ in our experience so that we may enter into Him and abide in Him

These past few days we’re enjoying the fact that we need to daily work out our own salvation by building up Christ in our experience. Just like Noah built up the ark, we are building up a practical and present Christ today in the church life. Just like Noah entered into the ark after he […]