The Gospel of John is the gospel of Christ as life for the building up of the church as the temple of the living God; this building work is carried out through our experience and enjoyment of the crucified and resurrected Christ as the tree of life for the church. Amen! We have seen […]
Build up the Church as the Temple of the Living God through our Experience of Christ
Living a Life of Enjoying Christ as Life and Enjoying the Top Portion in the Meetings

Hallelujah, the Christian life is a life of enjoying Christ as the tree of life, and we can enjoy the top portion of Christ in the meetings of the church! God’s intention is to give Himself to man as the tree of life for man to enjoy, for God wants man not to do […]
Our Christian Living is Based on the Sense of the Inner Life, not on Right or Wrong

Our Christian living is based on our inner life, and we determine everything based not on right or wrong but on the divine life within us with its sense and feeling; we need to come before God to determine what is of life and what is of death. Amen! However, if we do not […]
Seeing a Vision of the New Jerusalem and Living out and Working out the New Jerusalem

We thank the Lord that the vision He gave us in His present recovery is the all-inclusive vision of God’s eternal economy with its ultimate consummation – the vision of the New Jerusalem. In our daily living we can live out the New Jerusalem to become the New Jerusalem, and we can work out the […]
We set our Mind on our Spirit to Enjoy the Tree of Life and Minister Life to others

Every genuine believer in Christ is a miniature garden of Eden, for God as the tree of life is in his spirit and Satan as the tree of knowledge is in his flesh; when we set our mind on the spirit, we enjoy the tree of life and become persons of life. The two trees […]
Learning that our Time with the Lord in the Morning is Really a Revival

After many years of doing morning revival – from a young person to a working adult – and having many ups and downs, I have learned the lesson that our time with the Lord in the morning is really a revival. As a young person, I appreciated the need for a time with the Lord […]