The issue of our enjoying and experiencing Christ as the all-inclusive good land is the church as the house of God (the temple of God) and the city of God (the kingdom of God) for Him to have a corporate expression on earth and for Him to have dominion through the church. Amen! As those […]
Enjoying the All-inclusive Christ Issues in the Church as the Temple and City of God
Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ as God, as Man, and as the Reality of Our Necessities

The all-inclusive Christ as the rich soil into whom we are rooted is all that we need, and in Him we lack nothing; Christ as the soil is the history and mystery of God with all the riches of His person and processes, and He is God, man, and all our necessities. Praise the Lord […]
Absorb the Lord as the All-inclusive Land with His Riches as seen in Col. 2:8-15

We believers in Christ have been rooted in Christ as the soil, and in Him we do not lack anything; as we take time to absorb the Lord as the all-inclusive land, we enjoy and partake of His fullness, His crucifixion, His burial, His raising up, His vivifying, and everything that He is to us […]
Be in the Light and Walk in the Light to Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ as our Portion

We need to be in the light and walk in the light to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as our God-allotted portion today. When we are in the light, live in the light, and walk in the light, we enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as our portion, for He has been allotted to the saints in the […]
Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ as our Allotted Portion in the Light with the Saints

As believers in Christ, we need to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as our allotted portion in the light with all the saints. Christ as the preeminent and all-inclusive One is the allotted portion of the saints in the light for our experience and enjoyment, and when we’re in the light and even become light, we […]
The Spirit is the Realization of the All-inclusive Christ, the Promised Blessing

We as believers in Christ can today enjoy the Spirit as the realization of the all-inclusive Christ, the promised blessing of Abraham. Hallelujah! The Spirit as the realization of Christ in our experience is the good land for us to enjoy and partake of, and we can daily partake of the bountiful supply of […]
We Fight the Spiritual Warfare of the Church one with the Lord and in the Body

Israel’s fighting against the inhabitants of the land of Canaan that they may possess and enjoy the good land signifies the spiritual warfare of the church against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies that the saints may enjoy Christ as the all-inclusive land. Amen! Behind the visible scene, behind what we see […]