Being Diligent to Labor on Christ, Seeking Christ and Enjoying Him in every Situation

 We need to be diligent to labor on Christ, seeking Christ and enjoying Him in every situation. As those who have entered into Christ as the reality of the good land, we need to live a life of laboring on Christ; we need to labor on Christ day by day by enjoying and experiencing […]

Put on the Lord Jesus to Live Christ, Magnify Him, and be full of Joy and Rejoicing

 Regardless of our circumstances, we need to enjoy Christ, experience Christ, and put on Christ for His expression and magnification, being filled with joy and rejoicing in the Lord, magnifying Christ for His corporate expression in the genuine church life. Amen! May the Lord make us such ones. May the Lord bring us to […]

Experience Christ as Everything and Taking up our Cross for the Genuine Church Life

 The way for us to realize the genuine church life is to experience Christ as everything to us; furthermore, the genuine church life requires us to take up our cross and follow the Lord, for only when the self is crossed out can Christ come to be the reality of the church life. The […]

Enjoying and Experiencing the Riches of Christ issues in the Genuine Church Life

 The issue of our being brought back to Christ Himself is the genuine church life; the genuine church life is the issue of the enjoyment of the riches of Christ so that we may become His fullness, and it is Christ realized, experienced, and expressed by the saints in a corporate way. Amen, may […]

Being Freed from all Distractions and Brought back to Christ Himself to Enjoy Him

 As believers in Christ and children of God, we need to be freed from all distractions and brought back to Christ Himself so that we may enjoy, experience, and know Him in a fresh, new, and living way. Amen! This week we come to a new morning revival based on the 2023 spring ITERO […]

Grace is the Processed and Consummated Triune God coming to us to be our Enjoyment

 Grace is the Triune God processed and consummated for us so that we may enjoy Him; grace is nothing else but the processed and consummated Triune God coming to us for our enjoyment and experience in our daily living. Nowhere in the New Testament do we see that grace is something that God gives […]

Enjoying the Lord in our Daily Life and Meeting to Exhibit the Christ we Experienced

Whenever we come together to meet with the saints, regardless of what kind of meeting we are having, we should come with the Christ experienced by us as the surplus to be offered to God and exhibited by us; for this, we need to contact the Lord daily and bring a surplus of Christ to […]