Christ is the reality of the heavenly manna sent by God to be the daily life supply of His chosen people, and we can eat the Lord Jesus and live because of Him by eating His words and digesting Him into our inner being. This week in our deeper study of the book of Numbers […]
We Eat the Lord Jesus by Eating His Words of Spirit and Life to Live Because of Him
In His Earthly Ministry the Victorious Christ Defeated the Devil and Destroyed his Works

Praise the Lord, in His earthly ministry the victorious Christ defeated the devil and destroyed his works! Hallelujah! As we prayerfully consider the matter of the spiritual warfare of the church as the new man, this week we come to the topic, The Victorious Christ. What’s the connection between the victorious Christ and the spiritual […]
Advancing from the Milk of the Word to the Word of Righteousness as the Solid Food

As those who realize that God’s word is our food, we need to advance from the milk of the word (in 1 Pet. 2:2) to the word of righteousness as solid food (in Heb. 5:13-14) so that we may grow in life. As believers in Christ, we have the Spirit with our spirit, and Jesus […]
Receiving the Spirit and Life contained in God’s Word by Praying over God’s Word

Ezekiel was told by God to take and eat the scroll, and then to prophesy for God; as believers in Christ, we need to eat the words of the Bible, taking the word of God into us by means of all prayer, and receive the Spirit that is embodied in the word of God. Jeremiah […]
God’s Words are Good for us to Eat: we need to Eat the Word of God as our Food

Ezekiel was asked by God to take the scroll and eat it, then speak the word of God (Ezek. 2:8-3:4); as believers in Christ we need to eat the word of God, digest them, assimilate them into our being, and then speak the word of God. This week in our crystallization-study of Ezekiel we come […]
Receiving and Dispensing Grace through the Blood, the Word, the Spirit, and the Church

We thank and praise the Lord for saving us through His grace; even while we were sinners He showed us mercy and grace, and when we heard the gospel, faith was generated into us and we believed into the wonderful person of Christ, who is so full of grace and reality. Now our Christian life […]
Enjoying Grace to Grow in Grace through the Blood, the Word, the Spirit, and the Church

As believers in Christ, we were born again by the grace of God, and now we need to grow in grace by enjoying all that Christ is to us as our spiritual food and living water. We are like Isaac: he was born through grace and he was also grown up in grace (Gen. 21:8). […]