Christ is the reality of the heavenly manna sent by God to be the daily life supply of His chosen people, and we can eat the Lord Jesus and live because of Him by eating His words and digesting Him into our inner being. This week in our deeper study of the book of Numbers […]
We Eat the Lord Jesus by Eating His Words of Spirit and Life to Live Because of Him
Life Meets the Need of Every Man’s Case to Build the House of God (Gospel of John)

The gospel of John is a book on life and building; God comes to is in Christ to be our life, and this life is for God’s building – for Christ as life meets the need of every man’s case to build up the house of God. This week in our deeper study of what […]
Being Built up in a Practical way to Feast on Christ as the Bread of the Presence

The table of the bread of the presence – the showbread table – in the Holy Place in the tabernacle is a type of Christ as our food in a particular way: He is the bread of God’s presence to be our serving supply in the church life. The fact that the table of the […]
Let us Enjoy the All-Inclusive Christ as the Reality of All the Positive Things!

The focus and center of the heavenly vision is Christ Himself, the reality of all the positive things in the universe. The heavenly vision centers on Christ and takes Him as the focus, and this One is everything to us. The all-inclusive Christ lives in us to be our all, and He in us is […]
Having a Daily Life of Eating and Drinking Christ as a Memorial in the New Jerusalem

It is so encouraging to know that we are becoming the NEW Jerusalem! Today we are in the process of being renewed day by day by having God’s element being wrought into us, and we will be so new that we will be called New Jerusalem (Rev. 22:1-2). In our natural man there’s nothing new, […]
Christ Constantly Denied Himself: He Lived the Father and Worked with the Father
![Christ Constantly Denied Himself: He Lived the Father and Worked with the Father [picture: colorful leaves on a sunny day in Cardiff]](
In His human living, the Lord Jesus expressed the Father, declared the Father, and lived the Father. God the Father sent Christ the Son, and the Son lived because of the Father (John 6:57). This is very mysterious and yet very wonderful – Christ as the first God-man lived a life not in or by […]
God presents Himself to man as the tree of life – God in Christ is good for us to eat and enjoy!
In Genesis chapter 2 we see a tree in the middle of the garden called, The Tree Of Life, in front of which man was placed. When God created man in His image and with His likeness, He intended that man would express Him and represent Him (Gen. 1:26) – and the way for man […]