In the Lord’s epistle to the church in Ephesus there are four main points – love (loving the Lord with the first love), life (enjoying Christ as the tree of life), light (shining as the Lord’s testimony), and the lampstand (bearing the Lord’s testimony); love, life, light, and the lampstand are four crucial words in […]
Enjoying Christ as our Love, Life, and Light to keep the Testimony of Jesus
We need to Maintain the eating of Christ as the Tree of Life in the Church Life

At the end of the Lord’s epistle to the church in Ephesus He calls for the overcomers, promising them to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God (Rev. 2:7); today we as believers in Christ need to maintain the eating of Christ as the tree of life in the […]
By the Lord’s Trimming and Supplying we are Organically Constituted as His Overcomers

The Lord Jesus as the High Priest cherishes the churches in His humanity and nourishes them in His divinity. He is right now walking among the local churches in order to know their situation, and in His priestly service He trims the charred wicks and adds the oil. On the one hand, in His speaking […]
Seeing the People on the Line of the Tree of Knowledge Throughout the Bible

After seeing such encouraging testimonies of people throughout the Bible who were on the line of life, today we would like to see the line of the tree of knowledge throughout the Scriptures. If you read many of the stories of these one on the line of the tree of knowledge of good and evil […]
God’s Main Concern is with our Eating and not with our Working, Doing, or Behavior

After God created man and planted the garden of Eden where He put man, the only thing Genesis tells us concerning God’s intention for man was that man would take care of his eating (see Gen. 2:17). God did not tell man to behave this way or that way, neither did He give commandments to […]
The Tree of Life in the Bible: its Identity, Enjoyment, Operation, and Ministry

The way God fulfills His purpose of having a corporate man to express Him and represent Him is by His life. As seen in Gen. 1-2 and Rev. 21-22, there are four organic items mentioned, which are the procedure God takes to fulfill His purpose: the tree of life, the river of water of life, […]
being recovered to eating Christ as the tree of life: we are Christians who eat the Lord!
In the church life the primary matter should not be anything else but eating Christ as the tree of life. Enjoying Christ as our life supply, eating Jesus in the Word daily, and taking God in as life – this should be the primary matter in the church life. The church life should be filled and enriched with much eating of Christ, much assimilating of the element of God into our being! [continue reading + add your own portion online]