Christ as the Word of God speaks for God; He became flesh to make God contactable, touchable, receivable, and enjoyable, and He has become the Spirit for us to receive Him and enjoy Him! Hallelujah, what a Christ we have! The Gospel of John is an amazing Gospel, speaking not of an objective Christ or […]
Christ as the Word of God Speaks for God; now God is Contactable, Receivable, and Enjoyable
Let’s pray for the saints to remember the Lord by contacting Him, eating Him, and drinking Him with their spirit

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would remember the Lord not by meditating on Him with their mind but by contacting Him, eating Him, and drinking Him with their spirit (John 4:24; Luke 22:19-20; Hymns, #233, ss. 5-6). Genuine remembrance of the Lord is receiving the Lord and allowing Him to enter into […]
Drink the Word to Grow and be Transformed to be Living Stones for God’s Building

If we read John 1:42 and Matt. 16:18 we will realise that both Christ and the believers are living stones for God’s building, and that God’s goal is to have a spiritual house built up with living stones. Yes, Christ is the living stone, and we are born as men of clay, but through regeneration, […]
Let us Enjoy the All-Inclusive Christ as the Reality of All the Positive Things!

The focus and center of the heavenly vision is Christ Himself, the reality of all the positive things in the universe. The heavenly vision centers on Christ and takes Him as the focus, and this One is everything to us. The all-inclusive Christ lives in us to be our all, and He in us is […]
Enjoying God as the Fountain of Living Waters and Helping Others to also Drink Him

Today we need to first enjoy God as the fountain of living waters and then be one with the Lord to encourage and shepherd others to experience and enjoy God as the fountain of living waters. The ministry of life encourages the saints, shepherds them, leads them, and guides them to one thing – to […]
Knowing the Purpose of our Calling and Dealing with Satan, the Flesh, and the World

God’s calling of Moses is a pattern to us, and in order for us to be qualified to serve God we need to see certain things and deal with certain things. First of all, we need to see the vision of the burning thornbush – God is the fire burning in the church as the […]
God’s pleasure is to be the fountain of living waters to dispense Himself into us and make us His increase
This is what God desires – this is His good pleasure, the desire of His heart – to be the fountain of living waters that man may drink Him, enjoy Him, be filled with Him, and become His enlargement, His increase, His expression. In His economy, God intends to be the fountain, the source, of […]