We need to be joined to God’s desire through His word, exercise our spirit over the Word of God, remain in an atmosphere of prayer, live under God’s rule in the reality of the kingdom, and be a self-sacrificing person with the spirit of martyrdom even as Daniel was. Daniel is a pattern to us; […]
Joined to God’s Desire through His Word and Praying to Lay the Tracks for God’s Move
Being those who have a Dispensational Value to God doing a Special Work to End this age

Every time that God wants to make a dispensational move, a move to change the age, He must obtain His dispensational instrument; may we be those who have dispensational value to God in this age today! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, Answering God’s Call to be His Dispensational […]
Living a Self-Denying Life under the Heavenly Vision to Bring in God’s Kingdom

In the beginning of Genesis we see that God created man in His image and according to His likeness, and He intended that man would express Him and represent Him (Gen. 1:26-28). Then, at the end of Genesis, we see Jacob who expressed God in His image and, through Joseph, represented God with His dominion […]
God Needs to Gain a Dispensational Instrument for Him to Turn this Age!

What God desires today is to turn this age from the age of the church to the age of the kingdom. We are here on earth for this, and we are in the Lord’s recovery for such a high purpose – to be one with the Lord to turn the age from the age of […]
Being the Overcomers who Fight the Spiritual Warfare to Hasten the Lord’s Coming

Our Christian life and church life today toward the end of this age is in the middle of a spiritual warfare. We need to be watchful and on the alert to know what the enemy is doing and what’s he up to, and bind him, limit his activities, and inflict loss on his kingdom. The […]
A Proper Church is a Praying Church: We Need to First of All Pray!

This week we are getting into the matter of a praying church in the unique stream of God’s work. We are living at the end of this age, and our ministry as the church is to pray so that we may inflict damage and loss on Satan’s kingdom and we may bring in God’s kingdom. […]
we are the generation the Lord wants to use to bring Him back! (2011 winter school)
During this Winter School of Truth I really enjoyed touching the matter of the Spirit and the preaching of the gospel. This generation – our generation – is the generation the Lord wants to use to bring Him back. We have to say, “Lord, use me!” What’s holding me back? It’s NOW and it’s US! We must be willing to be used by God and we NEED to be stepping stones for His move. We have to allow Him to use us as His dispensational instrument that He may speak through us… Young people, do you know why you’re placed in your schools? Well, we are placed at different schools by the Lord so that we could be shining luminaries, shining forth the gospel to our friends! We are the ones who are able to speak to our friends! [read more online this short sharing from a sister who recently attended the Winter School of Truth in London, UK]