Jacob was selected and chosen by God even before he was born. However, throughout his life he schemed and struggled to obtain the birthright and the blessing, and he wanted to have his way with everyone – even though the blessing was his by God’s choice. He cheated on his brother Esau, tricked his father to give him […]
Entering into Full Fellowship with the Lord and with the Fellow Members of the Body
Advancing from the Individual Experience of God to the Corporate Experience of God

In Genesis 35 Jacob had a radical turn from the individual experience of God to the corporate experience of God. As a result of being dealt with, broken, and transformed, Jacob experienced God as the God of Bethel, El-Bethel, the God of the house of God (Gen. 35:7; Eph. 3:17-21; 4:4-6). Outwardly you may think […]
The Self is the Soul Declaring its Independence from God and from the Body of Christ

By the Lord’s mercy we need to have the vision of the self, the greatest hindrance to seeing and entering into the reality of the heavenly vision. In relation to ourselves, the self is the soul life expressing its thoughts and opinions. In relation to Satan, the self is the embodiment of Satan, the thought […]
5 Steps of Christ’s Growth in us, and How our Arriving to Maturity is in the Body

God’s desire is not only that He would save man from eternal perdition, but that man would be filled with Christ and even become Christ to express God in full. For this, God regenerates us with His life when we repent and believe into the Lord Jesus. Then, He grows in us and expands in […]
Our Self is the Greatest Enemy of the Body: We Need to Deny it and Live by God’s Life

As believers in Christ we are not meant to live in an individualistic way – we are members of the Body of Christ. However, do we have the realization that we are members of the Body? Do we live in the Body of Christ? Do we depend on the Lord as the Head and on […]
being independent of the Body is being independent of God; we all are members!

If we see the Body of Christ we will realize that we need deliverance not only from our sinful and natural life, but also from our individualistic life. For us to know the Body life, we need to deny our self, because our self is the greatest problem and the greatest enemy of the Body. […]
the Lord Jesus regards our dependence on Him and not what we can do for Him in our self
The word of the Lord Jesus in Matt. 7:21-23 is very sobering and exposing – many people do works of power in His name, cast out demons in His name, prophesied in His name, but the Lord does not recognize them or know them… We can do a lot of good and great things for the Lord – even miraculous things, with the help of the power of God – but if we do things independently of the Lord, He does not approve or recognize it. How much we need the Lord to shine on us and expose our self in all its good or bad intentions and doings, so that we may deny our self and exercise our spirit to be one with the Lord! [continue reading online]