The greatest enemy of the Body is the self, the soul declaring independence from God and from the Body; when we see a vision of the self and depend on the Lord and on the members of the Body, we have the Lord’s presence, are full of peace, and touch the reality of the Body. […]
Denying the Self by the Cross to Depend on the Lord and on the Body of Christ
Seeing that Whatever we do for Ourselves is Sin and Taking Christ as Sin Offering

The sin offering is based on the burnt offering, for whatever we do for ourselves is sin, for we are not absolutely for God, and we need to take Christ as our sin offering. To sin is not just to commit gross deeds, like a crime or a robbery. To sin is simply to come […]
We Realize that we are Sinful, we Take Christ as our Sin Offering, and we’re Subdued

As we fellowship with the Lord in a living, genuine, and loving way, He as light shines on us, and we realize that we are sinful and thus we take Christ as our sin offering. God has made a provision for us to come to Him and contact Him – the sacrifice of Jesus on […]
Tests of our Service to God, Bearing Responsibility, and being Faithful in Service

As those who are learning to serve God by letting God initiate and we cooperate, we need to see what are the signs of service from man and service from God, what are some tests of our service for God, and how we need to bear responsibility and be absolutely faithful in service to God. […]
Taking Christ as Life and Living the Body Life for God to Gain a Shining Testimony

The book of Acts speaks of the propagation of the resurrected Christ in His ascension, by the Spirit, through the disciples, for the producing of the churches – the kingdom of God, which are the Body of Christ, the corporate vessel of God on earth. The book of Acts is unique in that it is […]
Living According to the Principle of the Tree of Life, the Principle of Dependence

It is good to be brought back to God’s original intention, what He desired to do and achieve from the very beginning: He wants to dispense Himself into us as life to be our life, life-supply, and everything, so that we may express Him corporately (see Gen. 2:9; 1:26). God’s intention is the same throughout […]
The Self is the Soul Declaring its Independence from God and from the Body of Christ

By the Lord’s mercy we need to have the vision of the self, the greatest hindrance to seeing and entering into the reality of the heavenly vision. In relation to ourselves, the self is the soul life expressing its thoughts and opinions. In relation to Satan, the self is the embodiment of Satan, the thought […]