Being Thoroughly in the Divine Fellowship by Applying the Cross of Christ

It is so wonderful that the Lord has brought us into the fellowship of the divine life, where we can enjoy oneness with the Triune God, participating in all that He is and has accomplished. But we have to admit that there are still many problems in us, many obstacles to the fellowship of the […]

Christ Constantly Denied Himself: He Lived the Father and Worked with the Father

In His human living, the Lord Jesus expressed the Father, declared the Father, and lived the Father. God the Father sent Christ the Son, and the Son lived because of the Father (John 6:57). This is very mysterious and yet very wonderful – Christ as the first God-man lived a life not in or by […]

we need to receive God’s call, come together, seek Him, and be Gideon’s army (WST 2011)

We today need to blow the trumpet of the gospel to the other young people around us! Our pitchers (our love of ourselves, our “face”) need to be shattered so that we are no longer bound by worrying about what others think about us, but bold to speak in the name of the Lord. Finally, we need to hold up our “torches” which represent our testimony before the ones we speak to. We are luminaries in the world shining out as children of God (Phil. 2:15). [read more a short sharing from a serving brother from the USA concerning his impression and enjoyment in the last winter school of truth]