This week in our deeper study, our Crystallization-study, of the book of Numbers we come to Num. 19, a record concerning the water for impurity, which was not for sin but for dealing with the impurity of death. Num. 19 is a chapter that is not familiar to many Christians, and most Bible readers emphasize […]
The Water for Impurity Cleanses us from the Effect of Death resulting from Rebellion
Today’s Nazarites Overcome Natural Affection and are Separated from Death

As the Nazarites of today, we need to remain in our separation to be holy to God, overcome natural affection, and be separated from death in any of its forms. In Num. 6 we see that God has made a provision for all His people who want to serve Him that they would consecrate themselves […]
In God’s Eyes Death is more Defiling and Abominable than Sin, but Life is most Precious

Leviticus 11 is concerned very much with death, for according to the Bible, death is more defiling and abominable than sin, and being cleansed from death takes longer than being cleansed from sin. The fact that Leviticus 11 speaks of dealing with and overcoming death in relation to our diet as God’s people shows that […]
Taking Christ as our Trespass Offering for our Lies, Unfaithfulness and Defilement

The source of every trespass is sin in our flesh, and the reason for every trespass is not living absolutely for God. But Hallelujah, Christ is our trespass offering, and whenever we are aware that we sinned, or when the Lord shines on us to expose our mistakes, wrongdoings, and trespasses, we can simply confess […]