We must exercise our spirit of faith to believe that the Lord’s ascension put Him far above the power of Satan, therefore we can withstand the devil by standing in the victory of Christ and declaring the accomplished work of the Lord. Hallelujah! We are believers in Christ, and we are such ones not […]
Being Seated with Christ in the Heavenlies, we Stand in His Victory and Withstand the Devil
We Exalt Christ and Praise the Lord, for Spiritual Victory Depends on our Praising!

Praise the Lord, we are learning to exalt Christ, give Him the preeminence, and praise the Lord, for our realization is that spiritual victory depends not on warfare but on our praises! We need to know the vital factors that enabled the people of Israel to be victorious in their first warfare, realizing that they […]
Enjoy and Announce the Glad Tidings of the Triune God with all His Accomplishments

Psa. 68 reveals God’s victory in Christ as the center, typified by the Ark, and in the first part we see that we as His believers, the women staying at home, enjoy the spoil and preach the glad tidings, which is the Triune God with all His accomplishments. What is the connection between Psa. 68 […]
Seeing the Prayer of the Church as the Body of Christ and Claiming what He has Obtained

As believers in Christ and members of the Body of Christ, we need to see the prayer of the church as the Body of Christ and pray such a prayer, claiming what the Lord has obtained to fulfill His purpose. For us to enter the spiritual warfare and deal with God’s enemy, we need to […]