This week in our deeper study of the book of Numbers we want to see and experience the major types concerning Christ in Numbers, and today in particular we want to see how Aaron’s budding rod typifies the resurrected Christ blossoming and bearing fruit to maturity. Strictly speaking, in the book of Numbers there’s only […]
Serving God in the Principle of the Budding Rod, through Death and Resurrection
In Spirit we Experience Christ’s Death and Resurrection to be Produced as Pearls

When we’re in the mingled spirit, we experience Christ’s death and resurrection to be produced as pearls, gates into the New Jerusalem. For us to become a pearl as an entrance into the New Jerusalem, we need to exercise our spirit to enjoy the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, so that we […]
Regeneration is our Entrance into the New Jerusalem, for God is our Triune Entrance

Each gate into the New Jerusalem was a pearl, signifying that regeneration through the death-overcoming and life-secreting Christ is our entrance into the New Jerusalem, and our entrance is a Triune entrance, signified by three entrances on each of the four sides. The New Jerusalem is full of significance, and all the features and characteristics […]
Christ’s Death and Resurrection Produced and Built up the Church as His Counterpart

Through Christ’s death and resurrection, God produced and built the church as the counterpart of Christ. Adam and Eve are a picture, a type, of Christ and the church; when Adam was created, he was a type of Christ, and his need for a wife shows the need Christ has for the church. In God’s […]
What are the Gates of Hades and how can we use the Keys of the Kingdom to Close them

Matthew 16 is a very enlightening chapter in the Bible in our seeing how the direction of the Lord’s move today is to bring in the kingdom of God; in this chapter we have the way to build up the church and the enemy of the building of God. The matter of the direction of […]
The Budding Rod: We are not Able, but what is Impossible with Man is Possible with God

It is so wonderful to be on a divine and mystical tour of the tabernacle with all its furnishings, especially the ark of the testimony! The ark is not merely something that God ordained to be made and put in the Holy of Holies but it is a type of how we can experience Christ […]
Serving God by Burning in Spirit with the Fire of God’s Life, not with Strange Fire

As believers in Christ, we should live according to the principle of the tree of life, that is, we should depend on the Lord. In God’s eyes the greatest sin is independence; doing things for God or in God’s name yet without God’s living presence is declaring independence from God, and God does not appreciate […]