The Lord Jesus died on the cross for our redemption, and He was persecuted by man mainly in the first three hours of His crucifixion. In the last three hours of His crucifixion Christ was judged by God for our sins. He was made sin for us (2 Cor. 5:21) and He bore our sins […]
the Lord Jesus died on the cross as a God-man and accomplished an eternal redemption for us!
man crucified and persecuted Jesus and God put Christ to death on the cross as our Substitute
Who killed the Lord Jesus on the cross? This morning I was impressed and also reminded that it was not just man who killed the Lord Jesus, but it was also God who put Him to death. On the one hand, man was instigated by Satan to capture, condemn, and crucify the Lord on the […]
on the cross Christ suffered men’s reproach, despising, deriding, sneering, head shaking, and mocking
This week we are getting into Psalm 22, which speaks about Christ who passed through the redeeming death and entered into the church-producing resurrection. Wow, a whole week to get into the death of Christ in all its aspects and all its details! I am looking forward to daily know the Lord in His suffering […]
a turn from keeping the law and being good Christians to enjoying Christ and living Christ(Psa. 1-16)
In the Psalms we see the path, the struggles, and the expression of the human sentiments of some of God’s loving seekers. Godly men like David, Asaph, the sons or Korah, Moses, etc – they sought after God, pursued the knowledge of God, and wanted to experience and know God. But many times they said […]
Christ in His ascension: His attainments, obtainments, the fulness of joy, and pleasures forever!
The spirit of the Bible is to exalt Christ, and in Psalm 16 we see a revelation of Christ as a wonderful Person in God’s economy! We need to see this Christ and appreciate Him for what He is and what He does. We need to ask the Lord to heal our eyes and remove […]
appreciating the Lord Jesus in His wonderful death and resurrection as seen in Psalms 16:9-11
Psalms 16 is a short psalm but reveals so much about the Lord Jesus in His human living, His death, His resurrection, and His ascension – even without mentioning these words. This One, the Lord Jesus Christ, is the Beloved of the Father, the Firstborn Son of God, the One who fulfills God’s heart’s desire […]
being fully on the line of life and exercising our spirit, our heart, and our mouth to speak Christ
What kind of a man does God desire to dwell with on His holy mountain? We have previously seen that God doesn’t want a good man nor an evil man but a God-man. We may like Psalms 16 outwardly, but inwardly and unconsciously we may still appreciate the man Psalms 15 – a perfect man, […]