Proverbs 31, the last chapter of this book, presents to us two models of those who fear the Lord; on one hand, we should be like a king ruling with the Lord, and on the other, we should be a worthy woman as the church, caring and providing for the needs of the saints. We […]
According to Prov. 31, we should be like a Reigning King and a Worthy Woman to the Lord
God gives us one Heart and one Way to Fear Him – we Fear the Lord and we Love Him!

According to His new covenant, God promises to give us a new heart ad one way to fear Him all our days; furthermore, the fear of the Lord and the love of the Lord are two wonderful results of our being forgiven of our sins. The fear of Jehovah, the fear of the Lord, is […]
Having a Proper Fear of God because we will all Appear before Christ’s Judgment Seat

As believers in Christ, we should have a proper fear of God because we will all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; the holy fear of God is actually a source of joy as a fountain of life and as a tree of life. To fear God doesn’t mean that we are afraid of […]
We Fear God by Honoring God, and we are Subject to one Another in the Fear of Christ

To fear God means that we also honor Him; we honor Him with our substance and with the firstfruits of all our produce, and we need to perfect holiness in the fear of God, fearing God and being subject to one another in the fear of Christ. To fear the Lord means that we honor […]
To Fear God is to Trust in God by Enjoying the Divine Dispensing to be One with God

For us to fear God is for us to trust in God; we need to trust in God and not rely on our own understanding, for when we trust in Him, we are richly supplied with all that He is and we grow with the riches we enjoy of Him. The matter of fearing God […]
We need to Fear the Lord by being Filled with the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord

In order for us as human beings to live a proper human life, we need to fear the Lord, to revere the Lord; for us to fear the Lord is for us to be in fear of offending Him, of losing His presence, of losing His smile in this age and His reward in the […]
Love Covers all Transgressions and Mistakes but Uncovering others brings in a Curse

Love covers all transgressions; for us to cover others and their mistakes and transgressions, this is love, but uncovering others brings in a curse. In order for us to live a godly life, a life that expresses God, we need to know who our God is. Our God is love; He is love itself. Love […]