We need to see a vision of the excellency of Christ. Paul saw it, and for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ he considered all other things (even good things) to be refuse, so that he may gain Christ (Phil. 3:7-8). We may still treasure and desire other things today, but when Christ is […]
Knowing and Appreciating Christ in His Excellency and Supreme Preciousness
Having a Change in our Concept of Value as we See the Preciousness of Christ

This week we have seen from the Bible that God wants us to love Him more than we love money, riches, or material things. But how can we love God – the One whom we don’t see or touch physically – and not love money – which can be touched, are so important, and “make […]
Being Saved from the Love of Money and Riches by Loving God and Serving Him Only

Pure commerce is the most evil thing on earth, and it will be fully judged by God as it consummates in Babylon the Great. The commercial mind in us needs to be exposed and removed by the Lord’s shining, and our heart need to love the Lord supremely and without any expectation for something in […]
Being Exposed of and Delivered from the Commercial Mind, “What’s In It For Me?”

We have seen previously that God hates pure commerce – commerce is the most wicked thing on earth in God’s eyes. But we need to see further that commerce is not only something outside of us but it is part of our being – it is inside of us! We may not be outwardly involved […]
Pure Commerce is the Most Evil Thing on Earth: God Hates It and He Will Judge It!

This week we are continuing our study of Zechariah, and specifically to a crystal in this book that is not that well known: The Evil and Wickedness of Commerce versus a Divine Sense of Value concerning Christ and the Church. In Zechariah 5:5-11 we see the ephah vessel – which is a container holding one measure of […]
Antichrist, the Mystery of Lawlessness, and what our Attitude Should Be Today

The world situation has always been an indicator of the Lord’s move on the earth, and God moves in a specific way in every age. Today there’s a mystery of lawlessness operating among men, and there’s something restraining it…. Among human society today there’s the mystery of lawlessness operating, and this lawlessness will culminate in […]
Christ is God’s History working within Man’s History to Gain God’s Building

When we read the book of Zechariah, just as with many other prophetic books in the Bible, it is not easy to see what’s going on and what is the prophet speaking about. We really need to put on “the glasses of God’s economy” so that we may see the crystals, the precious points, in […]