Christ is the Bright and Morning Star, and as we spend time with Him in His word, He rises in our heart as the star, and we ourselves are produced to be stars shining in this dark age. As the Lord’s faithful followers, we need to be produced as shining and living stars; this age […]
Living Stars Rise up Early to Meet the Lord and are Filled with the Spirit to be Messengers
Being Enlightened by the Lord and Giving Heed to His Word to become Living Stars
As the Lord’s faithful followers, we are becoming shining and living stars; as those who follow Christ we become living stars like Him to be His duplication by giving heed to the prophetic word and by the Spirit. On one hand the Lord Himself is the living star, and the magi saw His star, followed […]
Knowing the Scriptures and having the Lord’s Living Guidance in Fellowship with Him
For us to find and enjoy Christ, we need to have both the scriptural knowledge and the leading of the living star, that is, we need to live in an intimate relationship with the Lord and have His living guidance. In Num. 24:17 Moses prophesied that a Star will come forth out of Jacob; this […]
Finding Christ as the Living Star by seeing a Living Vision of Christ in the Bible
In Num. 24:17 we see a precious crystal in the book of Numbers – Christ as the living Star – which is fulfilled in Matt. 2:2 and has to be our experience in our Christian life and church life today. In Numbers we see how Moses prophesied that a Sat shall come forth out of […]
We must Desire to Prophesy, to Speak for God, so that God may Speak through us
God wants us – the saved and regenerated ones – to prophesy as prophets; God wants us to be so one with Him that He speaks within us and through us according to the principle of incarnation, and we should also desire to prophesy. In Num. 11:29 we see Moses’ desire that not just him […]
The Anointing Spirit within us is the Prophet, and we all can Know God and Prophesy!
The prophets in the Old Testament typify the Holy Spirit as the anointing ointment in the New Testament; the anointing Spirit within us is the Prophet, and we all can know God and can prophesy one by one. In the Old Testament there were mainly two ways that God spoke to His people, the law […]
As Christ is the Prophet Raised by God, so we are Prophets Speaking the Word of God
Just as Christ is the Prophet raised by God, so we today as His brothers and sons of God are prophets speaking the Word of God. In Deut. 18:15 Moses prophesied that God will raise up a Prophet from among the people of Israel, and he will be like him, speaking the Word of God […]