Lighting the Lamps to Enter the Holy of Holies and Enjoy the Depths of Christ in God

What a privilege it is for us as priests to light the lamps in the Holy Place, in the meetings of the church, so that we may see the way into the Holy of Holies and to enjoy the different rich aspects of Christ with God! This is both our responsibility and our privilege as […]

Causing Light to Ascend by the Humanity of Jesus saturated with the Spirit of Christ

It is our priestly duty as believers in Christ to light the lamps by causing the light to ascend in the church life, especially in the church meeting; this was a perpetual statute for the priests in the Old Testament and it is our duty today. On one hand, the divine light comes from God, […]

Our Priestly Duty is to Pray and Read the Word to have God’s Speaking, His Shining

As believers in Christ, it is our priestly duty to burn the incense and light the lamps, that is, pray and read the word of God, so that the churches may be shining and the lampstand would be bright. The light of the lampstand depends on the strength of our priestly service; if we exercise […]

The Need for Lighting the Lamps to have Light in our Serving, Fighting, and Moving

This week in our deeper and prayerful study of the book of Numbers we come to the matter of, Lighting the Lamps, which is specifically mentioned in Num. 8:1-4. Although many other details related the Tent of Meeting are omitted from this record, the priests are specifically instructed to light the lamps of the lampstand. […]

At the Throne of Grace we Behold God and we’re Transformed into the Image of Christ

When we come to the throne of grace through the blood of Christ, we meet with God, commune with Him, we are infused with Him, we correspond to His heavenly ministry, and we are transformed in His image to be His shining testimony, a miniature of the New Jerusalem today. In the Old Testament God […]

We enter the Holy of Holies by the Blood of Jesus to touch the Throne of Grace in Spirit

The expiation cover on the Ark in the Holy of Holies equals the throne of grace in Heb. 4:16; as believers in Christ, we have boldness in the blood of Jesus to enter the Holy of Holies and touch the throne of grace in our spirit. This is the key: touching our spirit, the mingled […]

Meeting with God in the Redeeming and Shining Christ by Applying the Blood of Christ

It is so enlightening to realise that the place where we meet with God, as typified by the propitiation place, is Christ Himself; whenever God meets us and speaks with us, Christ is present, and He’s the redeeming and shining Christ. It is not a small thing for us to know how to come to […]