In the blueprint of God’s original intention, man is the center of the entire universe, and the center of man is in his spirit; man has a spirit to contact God, enjoy God, receive God, and be one with God, and as believers in Christ, our spirit has been reinforced with the vivifying, sevenfold intensified […]
God is Spirit and we have a spirit to Contact God, Enjoy God, and be One with God
We have Life and Live by Faith as we Contact God and are Infused with Him as Faith

The way for us to receive the linking faith and develop it is to contact the Lord by calling on His name, praying to Him, pray-reading His word, and musing on His word; through this faith we are linked to the Triune God and God is imparted into us so that we have life […]
We enjoy Christ as our Husband by having a Private and Spiritual Relationship with Him

The romance in the Song of Songs portrays that our relationship with the Lord must be personal and affectionate, and it must also be private and spiritual; we need to develop our relationship with the Lord, our dear Husband, whom we love! Our relationship with God is not only of worshipping Him and revering Him […]
To Labor on Christ is to Exercise our Spirit in our daily life to Experience Christ

We labor on Christ by exercising our spirit to contact the Lord and being one with Him in every situation; the way to labor on Christ is to exercise our spirit to experience Christ in all situations and circumstances so that we gain more of Christ day by day. When we thus labor on Christ […]
We have a New Spirit, and we need to Constantly Exercise our Spirit to Contact God

How we thank and praise the Lord for giving us a new heart to love Him and a new spirit to receive Him, so that we may be inwardly recovered by Him! Now we can exercise our heart to love the Lord and enjoy Him, and we can exercise our spirit to contact God. In […]
Knowing the Science of Drinking and Flowing the Water of Life in Resurrection

Just as the people of Israel had the living water flowing from the smitten rock for them to drink and have their thirst quenched, so today we as believers in Christ have the “resurrection beverage” flowing freely, that is, we have the life-giving Spirit flowing in resurrection for us to drink all the time. However, […]
man has a spirit to contact God and a mind to be continually set on the spirit
Though we may think we are “normal” and “we think as normal people do”, our mind is sick with a terrible disease – we need to have our mind healed, cleansed, purified, and even lifed by setting it on our mingled spirit again and again! We don’t “switch on once and for all” by turning to the Lord in the morning – all throughout the day we continually need to set our mind on our spirit! “Lock your mind on the spirit” (as if you would lock the GPS to the destination) and don’t go to the left or to the right! May our mind be occupied with Christ to the point that we are sick with love for the Lord! [continue reading this portion online]